Better education for Amazing world. visit campus Each Student has a Unique Learning Style visit campus Learning a Joyous Journey filled with continuous interest visit campus


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Making your achivement

Why to choose SKVV

SKV VIDHYAASHRAM SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL offers students a plethora of experiential learning opportunities, enabling the future citizens to equip with 21st century skills to face the challenges of the modern world.  The school adopts and falls in line with the modern educational practices as envisaged in NEP 2020. The erudite and experienced learning fraternity gives your child a comprehensive exposure to the changing trends of the core subjects which is taught through state of art digital platforms.  We at SKVV give primordial importance for the emotional and physical well being of each SKVian by conducting age appropriate programs in regular academic schedule.  Our well furnished Hostel facilities provide home away from home experience for the children who travel from remote areas of our country.

Our Mission

We at SKV VIDHYAASHRAM SR. SEC. SCHOOL provides a holistic based modern educational memoranda which allows each student to explore his/her empowerment  in all areas of development-academic, physical, emotional, spiritual and social to his/her potential. Our school aims to provide high class education with the 21st century skills, facilitating our students to compete on equal footing with those from the world’s best institutions in the areas of Academics, Hybrid learning, Modern skills and Co-curricular activities.

Our Vision

To establish global harmony and peace, offer enlightenment to every citizen and invincibility to every nation through perfection in education and the school envisages providing equal opportunity to empower every child to live with dignity, to serve selfless, to contribute her/his best to society and to eventually become a proud citizen contributing to a global world.